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Richard Bampi Prize 2022

Furtherance prize for young ceramists

This prize can be won by ceramists up to the age of 35, resident in Germany, who submit unique, innovative work of a supremely well-crafted nature.

Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde e.V. will be awarding the Richard Bampi Prize for the 16th time in 2022, with prize money totalling €15,000. The competition is being run in cooperation with the Meissen Porcelain Foundation and the Meissen State Porcelain Manufactory. Following the prize-giving ceremony and an exhibition in the Meissen Porcelain Museum, the Manufactory will be issuing invitations to an exclusive studio sojourn. The deadline for entering the competition is 1 December 2021.

Contact details:
Dr Marlen Topp
Coordinator of the Richard Bampi Prize awarded by Gesellschaft der Keramikfreunde e. V.

Telephone +49 (0)151 18982293

This way to the entry form

Photos on this page: Andreas Greiner-Napp

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